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Healthy Habits for Aging Gracefully


Being a senior does not necessarily mean succumbing to illness or physical weakness. While growing old does come with unavoidable changes such as wrinkles or weakened stamina, health complications are very much preventable. Research has found areas in our life that we need to take care of to age gracefully. As a supporter of healthy Senior Living in Dracut, Massachusetts, we want to share with you habits that can keep you healthy and graceful as you age:

  • Physical activity

    Research shows that people who are physically active and exercise regularly live longer and independently. Having good balance and flexibility as you age helps prevents falls and injuries. Our Assisted Living in Massachusetts assists our senior residents when they exercise or do other physical activities.

  • Healthy diet

    Eating fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean meat can reduce the risk of contracting diseases as we grow older. At our Assisted Living Facility, we prepare healthy meals for our residents every day.

  • Participate in meaningful activities

    Finding a hobby, advocacy, or volunteer work can keep a senior physically, cognitively, and socially active. Our Home Care services can assist seniors as they participate in their chosen activities.

At Giving Tree Senior Living, we offer different lifestyle options for seniors. Our residents can opt for independent or assisted living. We also have Memory Care in Dracut, Massachusetts, for seniors with Alzheimer’s or dementia.

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